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Hematology, Transfusion and Cell Therapy ; 44(Supplement 2):S287, 2022.
Article in English | EMBASE | ID: covidwho-2179133


O objetivo deste relato de caso e disseminar, para a comunidade medica, o caso abordado, a fim de relacionar a purpura trombocitopenica trombotica e a COVID-19. Foi realizado um estudo observacional descritivo baseado na analise de um prontuario do caso de uma paciente internada no Hospital da UNIMED de Volta Redonda-RJ, onde as informacoes foram tratadas e analisadas, e, foram levados em conta os dados das condutas e das prescricoes realizadas no periodo da internacao. Mulher de 22 anos, deu entrada no pronto socorro com quadro de agitacao psicomotora de inicio subito, associado a relato de fala desconexa, com utilizacao de sedacao progressiva sem eficiencia. No exame fisico a paciente se encontrava confusa, levemente agitada, eupneica sob cateter nasal de O2, hemodinamicamente estavel, acianotica, levemente icterica, afebril, hipocorada, hidratada e sem deficit motor. A ausculta cardiovascular com ritmo cardiaco regular em dois tempos, bulhas normofoneticas, sem sopros ou extrassistoles. Foi monitorizada, apresentando taquicardia sinusal com frequencia cardiaca de 154bpm. Escala de coma de Glasgow de 14 pontos. Glicemia capilar de 131mg/dl. Sem evidencia de sangramento atipico. Exames laboratoriais: Hemacias 1.47milhoes/mm3, hemoglobina 4.7 g/dL, hematocrito 14.3%, VCM 97fl, plaquetas 9.000/mm3, reticulocitos 14,2%, creatinina 0.58, bilirrubina indireta 1,26mg/dl, haptoglobina <8 mg/dL, LDH 1228U/l, PCR <5 mg/dL, INR 1,23. As sorologias de Citomegalovirus, Epstein-Barr, Herpes, HIV, Hepatites A, B e C foram realizadas e com resultados inespecificos para a sintomatologia da paciente. Esfregaco de sangue periferico com presenca de esquizocitos(3+/4+). Tomografia de cranio normal, tomografia de torax com opacidades em vidro fosco nos segmentos pendentes dos pulmoes, um pouco mais evidente a esquerda, fina lamina liquida junto ao recesso pericardico superior. Apos 1 semana o teste rapido e o Swab nasal (RT-PCR) para COVID-19 foram realizados ambos apresentaram resultados negativos, porem a sorologia IgG para COVID-19 retornou reagente. Posteriormente foi realizado o exame de Perfil de atividade e inibidor da ADAMTS13, e pela baixa atividade do ADAMTS13 (<7%) e com o teste reagente para inibidores anti-ADAMTS13, pode-se confirmar o diagnostico de PTT. Foi transferida para a UTI, recebeu plasmafereses, pulsoterapia com metilprednisolona, posteriormente iniciou tratamento com Rituximabe ate evoluir com alta hospitalar. A PTT constitui um disturbio hematologico caracterizada pela oclusao disseminada na microcirculacao no qual as infeccoes em geral estao entre os principais fatores que desencadeiam o transtorno por meio da ativacao endotelial. A ocorrencia de uma infeccao previa por COVID-19 na paciente do caso corrobora a hipotese de que essa condicao hematologica esteja relacionada a uma complicacao da infeccao pelo coronavirus. A COVID-19 e uma das varias causas possiveis de PTT adquirida. A desregulacao imunologica causada pela infeccao tardia por SARS-CoV-2 pode ter precipitado esse disturbio hematologico. Mais estudos devem ser publicados para confirmar se de fato existe o fator causal entre essas duas condicoes. Copyright © 2022

24th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, ICEIS 2022 ; 2:325-331, 2022.
Article in English | Scopus | ID: covidwho-2110608


During the COVID-19 pandemic, remote learning was an alternative to maintaining student participation in subjects, active learning, and knowledge development. This approach is necessary for the experimental demands of the practical content of the Cervical Cytology class. This paper presents and discusses using an online platform to learn practical content in the microscopy subject of Cervical Cytology class. The evaluated scenarios demonstrated that the planning of the discipline and personal factors such as student interest and availability could influence the student performance. Copyright © 2022 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved.

European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology ; 270:E28-E28, 2022.
Article in English | Web of Science | ID: covidwho-1798265
Revista Cientifica Multidisciplinar RECIMA21 ; 2(4), 2021.
Article in Portuguese | GIM | ID: covidwho-1350750


Considering the relevance of covid-19 today, this study aimed to point out the main drugs that have become the target of study and clinical use in the treatment of the disease. The literature narrative review methodology on treatments previously tested for covid-19 was used, bringing together the most relevant and robust studies on each drug. Of the drugs evaluated, some had a positive influence on the healing time and reduction of symptoms caused by the disease. Among the drugs studied, remdesivir was the most prominent, reducing the time spent in the ICU and also the mortality rate. Heparin had a great positive influence linked to cases with a tendency to develop thrombosis. Dexamethasone demonstrated the power to reduce the chance of mortality and ivermectin acted in reducing the duration of the disease. Other drugs such as Azithromycin and Hydroxychloroquine have not been shown to be effective in studies of greater relevance and no data has been found to justify their use for the treatment of Covid-19. Despite the small amount of data to prove its effect against Covid-19, have shown positive potential and reduced the length of stay of patients in the hospital. To date, no specific medications have been approved to treat covid-19. The treatment of the disease focuses mainly on supportive care. However, our bibliographic research has shown that some protocols demonstrate a positive outcome when compared to treatment without the use of any drugs.